
1530“Adios Amigos” Claude A. Race Visitation Friendship AwardThe “Adios Amigos Trophy” is awarded annually to the Post within the State of Washington …Download
1565911 Operator of the Year AwardRecognize outstanding 911 Operator in the local communityDownload
1564Arlington Post 76 Community Service AwardAwarded to Post with greatest contribution to community service work.Download
1567Doris R. Gross Energy AwardAwarded to Posts for contribution to the community/region thru a constructive and fruitful energy program.Download
1569Dr. Harry A. Kretzler Post History AwardAwarded to Posts for categories of: Best Narrative History and Best Pictorial YearbookDownload
1568Dr. Louis S. Dewey Rehabilitation AwardRehabilitation activities/blood donations/hospitalized veteran activitiesDownload
1581Educator of the Year NominationThe program recognizes the work performed by teachers, not only in assisting our organization with …Download
1583EMT of the Year AwardRecognize outstanding Paramedic/EMT in the local communityDownload
1584Firefighter of the Year AwardRecognize outstanding firefighter in the local communityDownload
1570Frank N. Brooks Child Welfare AwardAwarded to Posts for Child Welfare activities such as direct aid, active volunteer hours, etc.Download
1571Henry E. Lamb Jr. Special Olympics AwardAwarded to Posts for outstanding support of Special Olympics in WashingtonDownload
1585Humanitarian of the Year AwardRecognize an outstanding humanitarian in the local community who saved a human lifeDownload
1572J. S. Cooper Publicity AwardAwarded to Posts for having outstanding coverage of their activities in community news media.Download
1573James L. Grant Employment AwardAwarded to Posts for outstanding activities surrounding employment of veterans.Download
1587Law & Order Award Program GuidelinesDepartment Policies and Procedures for nomination of Law & Order Award recipientsDownload
1588Law Enforcement Officer of the YearRecognize outstanding law enforcement officer in the local communityDownload
1574Legionnaire of the Year Nomination FormAwarded to a Legionnaire for outstanding contributions to furtherance of American Legion ideals here in …Download
1575Robert Westphal Volunteer Service Officer Nomination FormAwarded to a Legion Family Member for outstanding contributions on behalf of veterans and their …Download
1576Sally A. Bennett Chaplain AwardAwarded to a Post for contribution to their local community via an inspirational or spiritual …Download
1577Service Girls Post 204 Education AwardAwarded to a Post for outstanding participation in educational activities in their communities. (school award …Download
1578Stephen F. Chadwick Boy Scouts Advancement AwardAwarded to a Post for outstanding contributions to the Scouting program.Download
1579Vernon D. Hill National Security AwardAwarded to the Post with the best National Security/Homeland Security program.Download
1580William D. Welsh Americanism AwardPresented to a Post for Americanism activities in the community.Download