Junior ROTC Awards Program

Auburn Mountainview Army JROTCThe American Legion has a strong and supportive relationship with the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) program. JROTC is a program in high schools across the United States that aims to instill leadership skills, civic responsibility, and an understanding of military principles in young students. The American Legion frequently collaborates with JROTC units to provide guidance, mentorship, and financial support. Legionnaires often serve as guest speakers, mentors, and role models for JROTC cadets, sharing their experiences and values as veterans. This partnership helps instill a sense of patriotism and service in the next generation of young Americans while fostering a deeper connection between our nation’s veterans and our youth. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship that reinforces the Legion’s commitment to supporting our nation’s youth and preserving our values.

JROTC Presents Colors at Memorial Day CeremonyThe American Legion’s relationship with the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) program also extends to recognizing and rewarding outstanding cadets and instructors. The Legion sponsors various awards and scholarships for JROTC participants who demonstrate exceptional leadership, academic excellence, and community service. Additionally, Legion Posts often host award ceremonies and presentations to honor JROTC cadets and instructors in their local communities, further strengthening the bond between the Legion and the JROTC program while acknowledging and encouraging the outstanding achievements of young leaders. This collaborative effort underscores the Legion’s commitment to nurturing the development of future leaders who embody the values of service, patriotism, and community involvement.