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Full Circle

Izzy with Rocking Harley

Three years ago at a Washington State American Legion Riders Rally there was an awesome Rocking Motorcycle that was being auctioned. ALR member Rick Halle ended up in a bidding war with Nick G. (The father of Izzy) and ended up winning the auction at about $270. The little girl (Izzy) later came up to Halle and told him she wanted to take the Rocking Harley home. She requested of him 2 or 3 times and Halle explained that it would be for his grandchildren. She didn’t cry or anything, she just said she wanted to take it home. After a discussion with his better half, Lisa Halle, they decided to give it to this little girl that melts hearts. Little Izzy


Fast forward three years later and now the Halle family has a grandson reaching his 1st. birthday. Halle recently received a message from little Izzy’s mom Lauren G. stating that she talked to Izzy and she had decided to give this Rocking Harley back to him. Halle recently met with little Izzy and her parents to get it, along with a small group of ALR Riders. This little Rocking Harley has come full circle, Little Izzy was able to enjoy it, and now it is coming back to the Halle family for their own grandchildren.  FULL CIRCLE.



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