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Department Eagle Scout of the Year


Bodie Strom of Bainbridge Island is the Department’s 2024 Eagle Scout of the Year.  His was one of three nominations received this year.  He will be the recipient of a $2,000.00 scholarship at the Department Convention in July.

He has an extensive Scouting and leadership history with Troop 1496 with 48 merit badges (five Eagle Palms), five National Outdoor Award segments, mile swim, 128 nights of camping, 364 miles of hiking and 372 hours of service hours. He has attended multiple summer camps in Washington, Idaho and Montana as well as three different National High Adventure Camps.  His Eagle Scout Service Project benefited the Grand Forest in Bainbridge Island where he replaced the information kiosk.

His community service and service to his church was remarkable.

At the time of the nomination, Strom had a 3.798 GPA as a senior at Bainbridge Island High School where he also on the Honor Roll and a three sports letterman in Cross Country, Swim and Dive and Track.  He is a member of the Honor Society as well as the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and on the Dean’s List at Olympic College with a 3.7 GPA.

He has been accepted into Corban University in Oregon majoring in Biblical Theology.

His nomination has been forwarded to National for consideration for the National Award and Scholarship.

The committee received two other nominations this year.  Regrettably, they did not follow the listed instructions and had to be disqualified.

Jim Davidson – Chairman
Boy Scouts Committee

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