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2025 Legislative Priorities


The American Legion is ramping up its advocacy efforts to address critical issues affecting veterans and their families, with the release of its Legislative Agenda for the first session of the 119th Congress. This agenda serves as a road map for the Legion’s priorities, which include essential topics such as suicide prevention, community care, and improving quality of life for veterans. Executive Director of Government Affairs, Mario Marquez, expressed pride in the collaborative efforts that have shaped these key issues, emphasizing their commitment to remain adaptable to support emerging legislative needs.

Among the primary focuses of The American Legion are fully funding VA’s suicide prevention initiatives, enhancing communication between the VA and community care providers, and ensuring higher standards for Compensation and Pension examinations. Additional priorities include addressing veteran homelessness and advocating for strong national security measures. With a buzz of excitement in Congress, the Legion is gaining recognition from lawmakers, which is expected to lead to more opportunities for them to testify on behalf of veterans.

As the Legion’s legislative team actively collaborates with congressional staff, they are preparing for the upcoming 65th Washington Conference scheduled for February 22-26. This event will further their mission of promoting legislation that improves the lives of veterans. The complete Legislative Agenda can be downloaded here. Additionally, American Legion Family members are encouraged to participate in legislative advocacy by signing up for the Legion’s Grassroots Advocacy Center here.

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