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Department Elects New Officers

election results image

The Department of Washington is pleased to announce the election of new officers during the convention held on July 12-14, 2024, in Kennewick, WA. The members in attendance at convention exercised their democratic right by casting their votes, leading to the installation of a dedicated team to lead the Department forward. Congratulations to the newly elected Department Officers for 2024-2025:

Commander – Al Jensen
Vice Commander for Area 1 – Debra Wood
Vice Commander for Area 2 – Gary Walker
Vice Commander for Area 3 – Jim Brakebill
Vice Commander for Area 4 – Penny Martinez
National Executive Committeeperson – Bob Clark
Alternate National Executive Committeeperson – Rafael Munoz-Cintron

The newly elected officers bring a wealth of experience, expertise, and passion to their respective roles, demonstrating a strong commitment to the Department of Washington and its mission. Their collective vision is to navigate the Department through its ongoing rebuilding process and work towards the reinstatement of the Department’s charter.

While the election marks an important milestone, the Department recognizes that there is still much work to be done. The rebuilding process is underway, involving comprehensive assessments, strategic planning, and collaborative efforts among the members. The goal is to strengthen the Department’s foundation, enhance its capabilities, and ensure long-term sustainability.

The Department of Washington is acutely aware of the challenges that lie ahead. The reinstatement of the Department’s charter requires diligence, perseverance, and a collective commitment from its members. However, the Department remains resolute in its determination to restore its charter, reaffirm its purpose, and continue serving military veterans and their families here in the State of Washington.

As the rebuilding process moves forward, the Department of Washington will provide regular updates and engage with its members to seek their valuable input and support. The Department acknowledges the significance of their involvement and encourages active participation in shaping its future.

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